Saturday, 14 June 2008

On "halelujah" companies

In UK there is, I think, a much higher acceptance of alternative medicine and treatment than in Sweden. But since there is no cure for ME/CFS, those who have it tend to spend small fortunes on anything they hear might help to at least alleviate their symptoms. And I´m no different. My last attempt was to inject myself with extremely high doses of a certain type of B12 vitamin. It may sound hazardous, but it was all prescribed by a doctor, and my mum who happens to be a nurse, introduced me to the syringes-in-the-stomach business. Well 3 months later (and costing around 900 sek per 10 weeks) I can tell you it did absoulutely nothing in my favour.
So I was then recommended by a friend of a friend in UK to try a special kind of Aloe Vera gel, supplemented with a number of bi-products from bees. This woman friend of a friend allegedly has ME/CFS herself, and has with the help of these products gone from not even being able to driva a car, to climbing Killimanjaro. So I was introduced to a company that sell these products. Because ofcourse its just not as easy as getting to the shop and getting some. No, you have to get in contact with a registered whole seller, and either buy from him/her "Tupperware party" style, or to be sponsored by that person to become a whole-seller yourself. And although once you are registered you can buy it cheaper, we´re talking pretty big sums here. Its all a bit of Halelujah over it if you ask me.

Once I was registered I got a heap of information about the company, and how it operates in Sweden. I was told that for legal purpouses I am under no conditions allowed to promote these products as containing any form of medicinal properties. They are health-food supplements that can balance us and provide nutrients. The Aloe Vera is giving the body the best possible internal environment in which to heal itself. If I was to make any other claims the company would loose its permits to sell in Scandinavia. Thats all well and good. I just wonder then, are the laws on supplements really that much looser in UK, since this friend of a friend even promoted the stuff as a miracle cure in a national UK magazine?

Anyhow, I´ve been taking all these things for about 3 weeks now, and apart from that it tastes vile, I can´t make any claims in regards to the ME/CFS. Although my stomach is actually feeling really good, and regular. Lots of people with ME/CFS have IBS, so for them it might be a good idea to try this. The bee products (pollen, propolis and royal jelly) are supplements that have been used worldwide for centuries, but since they turn out so expensive if you take as high doses I was recommended, I bought another brand from the local health food store because I got a huge discount when I bought them in bulk. All in all I´ve spent about 4000 sek for everything to last me for 3 months. Thats quite alot when u as me don´t even get sickpension, but have to live on social welfare since the government is dragging out on the application process.

So its never bad to be full up on vitamins, you just have to make your own ideas about the stuff. Luckily they come in more flavours than just natural aloe.

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