Tuesday, 1 July 2008

More to miss

So once again I´m missing a major literary event that I´m sure would have made my little gray tingle. The Waltic is going on as I write and spanns over topics such as intercultural dialouge, world literacy, digitalization and oral histories. It hurts...
So as a slight comfort I´ve decided to treat myself to a membership in Ordfront, been a long time since I felt I could spend money on subscriptions. And at the moment you get two books in the welcome pack with the magazine, books which I was planning on buying anyway. They are Chockdoktrinen by Naomi Klein and När tusen eldar slickar himlen by Ola Wong, both seem to be very "in" right now.

Currently reading: "On the Road" Jack Keouac, responses en masse to follow.

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