Thursday, 10 July 2008

Swinging contraptions and the all-organic experience

I aimed high today, and we ventured out to Rosenhill for lunch and hammock shopping. I´d forgotten how long it takes to get there, and even though I wasn´t driving its pretty stressfull to be a passenger when mum is the type of driver who sees a potential accident in every overtaking car; and week long spells of being completely lost, would she take even the slightest wrong turn.

But it was all worth the smell of burning clutch and it was a super day for being out in the country. With having ME I never know in advance how my crappy body will react to activities. Default is ofcourse in the negative, but sometimes, regardless how I feel before leaving the house, moving around outside feels ok, as long as the momentum lasts. Then afterwards I always collapse the minute I get home, for various lengths of time, but it still feels like it is worth it for a few hours taste of what life almost used to be like.

Luckily there are no far distances to walk (unless u want to botanise in the fields), and we tried pretty much all hammocks they had at Stora Famnen (big arms/hugs).

Mum really got in to the idea of having one, but gran was in doubt regarding the mechanics of getting in and out, and patiently left the joy of ungraceful wobbling to the younger generation. I really like the idea of having a Mexican hammock, the ones made with cotton nets. They shape better if you are more than one person (some has the size and strenght for 4 adults), and dry quickly if it rains while they´re out. But in the end I opted for a fabric type, mostly because they´re less sensetive to things getting caught in them (branches, keyes from a pocket, corner of books etc.) and they are the most comfortable if you lie long and can´t be bothered to put blankets in the bottom. Also it looks better would I ever want it indoors.

So here she is, my new Brazilian girlfriend Rio! White was the only colour they had, but she washes in the machine, and I´m planning on a colouring project when she start hinting on a permanent dirtier shade. I was thinking onion peel dye actually. Remember trying that at Bäckedals folkhögskola once, and it resulted in a deep red/brown shade. Only problem is that we´ll be havin onion soup for weeks to get enough peels going for something this size...

Now we just have to figure out how to hang a hammock without trees... While in Denmark we should manage, but unfortunately mum´s manicured garden at home has no time for pesky leaves falling all over the place.

Moving on to the café and shop, we did the all organic lunch experience. I wish I one day will get the chance to go to one of their bar and gig nights, because since the sunny summer days require that you sit out on the cozy poorch of this very rough and ready barn, you miss out on the fabulously cool inside of the lounge (today acompanied by just the right level of Johnny Cash).

Unfortunately we were too early in the season for their apple must (juice) pressing factory to be open, but there were still no shortage of spending opportunities in the shop.

So afterwards I now feel like the flu deluxe, and will probably be a permanent couch fixture for quite some time. Its funny how I have two settings for when my body gets knackered out, either my limbs get so heavy I have to put up even the slightest muscle exertion for later, or I get these flu like symptoms, when even my eyes ache as if I had a fever.

Anyhow, after today´s home-growing inspirations, I´m aiming to raid the rhubarb plants as soon as my ailment alleviate slightly (could be a few days, and if I´m really out of luck, a few months). I´m thinking marmalade with cardamom, or vanilla, or ginger...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rio looks pretty good princess. You take care, puss