Saturday, 9 August 2008

The knitter apprentice and her fourth piece

I´m very thankful for that Erika and Anna, the master knitters of Sweden and England respectively, have inspired me to take up this fine needle work. Although it tires me out at periods, it s the only creative outlet I have, and for short bursts it can even make me forget how dire my situation is, but I won´t go in to that again today.

Last thing to finnish is my first cardigan. Most of it I made when we were in Denmark, but when I made an attempt at assembling the pieces back home I had to take up and re-do the front bits not just once, but about 4 times before they fitted on properly. I still think its a bit on the short side, but hope I can strech it out a little after I wash it.


pesto said...

Well one Malin. Like this a lot and admire your patience In rek itting thee bits. I could never do that

Erika said...

Men vad fin den är, och DU är fin.
Största kramen! Hoppas att jag har lite ork någon dag och kan komma ut. Tänker på dig! Kram!